Odour coefficient per group or category of animals (parameter C)1
Group or category of animals Parameter C
Beef cattle
- in a closed facility 0.7
- in an outdoor feeding area 0.8
Dairy cattle 0.7
Ducks 0.7
Horses 0.7
Goats 0.7
- in a closed facility 0.7
- in an outdoor feeding area 0.8
Rabbits 0.8
Sheep 0.7
Hogs 1.0
- laying hens in cages 0.8
- breeder hens 0.8
- broiler hens / large chickens 0.7
- pullets 0.7
Foxes 1.1
Slaughter calves
- veal calves 1.0
- grain-fed calves 0.8
Mink 1.1
1 For all other animal species, use parameter C = 0.8. That factor does not apply to dogs, the nuisance related with that type of livestock being more a noise problem than an odour problem.